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Flood Series

This series of paintings explores one central idea: the flood.


In many ways, we live in the age of the flood. Everyday, we navigate a world overflowing with broken politics, environmental catastrophe, and digital information. To many, the apocalypse lurks just around the corner or has already arrived.


Despite what it may seem, however, the flood is nothing new. Since we have had the capacity to consider ourselves, we have marinated in the flood. I believe we fixate on this powerful image because it acts as a suitable metaphor for our anxiety, both collective and private. We all face floods every day and they can often feel crushing.


In this series, I explore the flood stages: the looming flood, the imminent flood, and the flood itself. I place water in precarious positions that either threaten us with flood or show the flood outright. Images tell us what words cannot. I use them to better understand my own anxiety, and I hope I help others do the same. If nothing else, though, I try to make something beautiful.

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